UPDATED. 2024-04-19 (금)
880 COVID-19 confirmed patients at 00:00 on the 15th…848 outbreaks in Korea
880 COVID-19 confirmed patients at 00:00 on the 15th…848 outbreaks in Korea
  • 박지희 기자
  • 승인 2020.12.15 17:27
  • 댓글 0
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(Photoed by Pixabay)
(Photoed by Pixabay)

The number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Korea hit 800. The number of new confirmed patients per day, which was the largest in history with 1030 on the 13th, was slightly slowing to 718 the day before, and then reached the 900 level again on this day.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) announced that as of 0 o'clock on the 15th, 880 new cases of COVID-19 occurred in Korea, increasing the cumulative number of confirmed cases to 43,6464.

There were 848 confirmed cases of domestic outbreaks and 36 cases of overseas inflows.

Looking at the status of confirmed cases in Korea by region, △Seoul 246 △Gyeonggi 274 △Incheon 55 △Ulsan 49 △Busan 40 △Chungnam 37 △Daejeon 32 △Chungbuk 24 △Daegu 18 △Gyeongnam 16 △Gyeongbuk 15 people △ 13 people in Gangwon △ 13 people in Jeonbuk △ 9 people in Jeju △ 5 people in Gwangju △ 1 person Sejong △ 1 person in Jeonnam.

Of the 32 overseas confirmed cases, 8 were confirmed during the quarantine stage and 24 during community quarantine. There are 11 Koreans and 21 foreigners.

The number of deaths from Corona 19 increased by 13 to a cumulative 600, and the number of severely ill patients increased by 20 to 205.

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  • 신문 등록일 : 2014-05-07
  • 발행일 : 2015-10-01
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